Monday 7 August 2017

Iforex Hindi Músicas

Em muito pouco tempo a indústria de publicidade na Índia tem esculpido um lugar para si no mapa global. Hoje, a Índia é um país maior publicidade no mundo e faz um negócio de vários bilhões de dólares por ano. Quando você está em casa ou fora de um escritório que você pode ter notado cargas de anúncios em jornais, TV, revistas ou mesmo outdoors em um único dia. Bem, não é uma tarefa fácil para promover diversos produtos de consumo ou serviços para 1 bilhão de pessoas na Índia com a concorrência maciça entre as empresas. Aqui, a publicidade desempenha muitos papéis importantes para mostrar mercadorias com facilidade. Índia dominar a técnica de venda de animais. Mesmo vendedores de rua ou vendedores ambulantes sabe como anunciar seu produto. E com esta perfeição a Índia é agora o lar de mais 100 centros de atendimento terceirizados / BPOs, e além disso tem a sua própria versão do Vale do Silício, na cidade de Bangalore. Com este ritmo atual em que a agência de publicidade indiana superior está se movendo a indústria deverá testemunhar um grande boom nos próximos tempos e isso também vai ajudar e contribuir para o PIB do país. Para obter mais informações sobre a publicidade indiana, agências de publicidade, marketing e publicidade, temos listados abaixo top 5 agências de publicidade na Índia. 1.) Ogilvy e Mather Limited: 8211 é uma renomada publicidade internacional, marketing e agência de relações públicas com sede em Manhattan, EUA. Opera 450 escritórios em 120 países com aproximadamente 18.000 funcionários. Na Índia, é uma empresa de publicidade número um que é dirigido pelo Sr. Piyush Pandey como um presidente executivo. Famoso Google Índia anúncio (sobre a separação de dois amigos de infância devido à Índia-Paquistão partição) é criado por esta empresa. Site: ogilvy 2.) JWT Índia: 8211 JWT (J. Walter Thompson) é uma marca de 150 anos de comunicação de marketing dos EUA. Com sede em Nova York e mais de 200 escritórios em mais de 90 países, a JWT e sua rede de quase 10 mil profissionais de marketing têm uma presença significativa e influente na paisagem publicitária global. Na índia é Chefe de Mr. Colvyn Harris (CEO). Sua segunda maior agência de publicidade indiana. Site: jwt / india 3.) Mudra comunicações Pvt. Ltd: - também conhecido como Mudra Índia é uma empresa de publicidade, comunicações e gestão de marca na Índia. É Índia8217s terceira maior agência de publicidade que é chefiada pelo Sr. Madhukar Kamath como CEO MD amp. A empresa tem realizado com sucesso campanhas publicitárias de marcas e produtos como Rasna, Godrej, McDonalds e Big Bazaar. Site: ddbmudragroup 4.) Lowe Lintas amp Parceiros: 8211 está sediada em Mumbai e é chefiada pelo Presidente e Chief Creative Officer, R. Balakrishnan (Balki) e CEO, Joseph George (Joe). A agência tem um pool brilhante do talento sobre de 750 povos através de sete divisões e de nove cidades toda sobre India para controlar seus 250 clientes. A empresa é um dos grupos de comunicação maiores e mais estratificados. Site: lowelintas. in 5.) FCB-ULKA publicidade pvt. Ltd: - Ulka Advertising foi fundada em 1 de fevereiro de 1961 por Bal e Ann Mundkur. A empresa completou recentemente os seus 50 anos (que incluíram a aquisição da participação da FCB em 51 em 1997 ea Draftfcb adquiriu os 49 restantes em 2007) e parece ser um bom momento para fazer um balanço das realizações da agência e do caminho a percorrer. Site: draftfcbulka. in/ Abaixo estão algumas outras empresas de publicidade na Índia, que são bem conhecidos por seu trabalho e fazendo muito bem Ad Business: 6.) Rediffusion DYampR Pvt Ltd. 7.) RK Swamy BBDO Pvt Ltd. 8.) McCann - Ericsson Índia Pvt Ltd. 10.) Gris em todo o mundo (Índia) Pvt Ltd. 11.) Dentsu Índia. 12.) Contract Advertising India Ltd. 13.) Pressamn Publicidade e Marketing Ltd. Você sabia que o marketing afiliado está ampliando seu escopo na Índia com alguma grande demanda por várias empresas ocidentais. E há uma razão para isso. Primeiro, a Índia é um dos maiores centros de marketing do mundo e tem um excelente potencial para negócios inovadores. Segundo, pagamentos baratos com menos planos de investimento. E terceira propaganda grátis para grande público. Muitas dessas agências de afiliados alvo melhores blogueiros indianos e webmaster para mostrar seus produtos e serviços. Gradualmente, as companhias indianas estão aprendendo através do modus operandi da filial estrangeira. Eles agora estão construindo vários programas de marketing para atingir a audiência grande e alvo. Hoje programa de afiliados é uma das melhores fontes para gerar lucros on-line. Muitos blogueiros na Índia consideram o programa de afiliados como um melhor alternativo para o Google Adsense também (como adsense é muito difícil de obter a sua mão). Existem muito poucas empresas de afiliados com base indiana que são bem sucedidos para fazer a sua marca e gostou por uma maioria de webmasters indianos. Estamos listados abaixo o top e melhor 35 Indian Affiliate Program: Top Online Shopping Programas afiliados Compras on-line fornece várias coisas bem na frente de nossas portas de casa. Muitas pessoas hoje consideram fazer compras on-line. E afiliados podem fazer grande negócio fora destes sites de compras. Flipkart 8211 ganhar comissões, colocando banners produto ou links em seu site para encaminhar os usuários para o site Flipkart. Você pode ganhar até 15 cada vez que um usuário clica no banner / link e faz uma compra em nosso site. SnapDeal 8211 Para uma venda bem sucedida, se alguém clica neste link promovido e compra qualquer produto em nosso site, você é elegível para obter 10 de quantidade de Venda para um máximo de Rs. 400 Infibeam 8211 Afiliados podem ganhar até 10 comissões por qualquer venda que eles geram para nós. As filiais começ a escolher de uma seleção enorme de categorias do produto. Tradus 8211 equipe de afiliados irá ajudá-lo desde o primeiro dia para tornar seu programa um sucesso. Aqui você vai obter melhores taxas de conversão na indústria por causa das taxas mais baixas. Yepme 8211 Todas as vendas feitas aos clientes que clicaram nesses links ganharão a comissão da filial. A taxa de comissão padrão é atualmente 5 Shimply 8211 Afiliados podem ganhar comissões até 6 em cada venda, colocando banners, widgets ou links em seu site. Tem um do catálogo o maior em India com sobre 1.7 produtos do crore. Top Matrimonial Affiliate Program Programas de afiliados matrimoniais hoje são considerados a melhor escolha por inúmeros webmasters indianos. Quase todos os sites de qualidade têm link matrimonial em seus sites. A seguir estão alguns dos melhores programas matrimoniais para participar. Shaadi 8211 Ganhe 75 Revenue Share PLUS uma oportunidade de bônus adicional de 25 para um total de até 100 comissões com o world8217s maior site matrimonial. BharatMatrimony 8211 Coloque o banner em sua página e você receberá o pagamento de todas as assinaturas pagas que 8217s geradas através do seu site JeevanSathi 8211 fornecer um links para seu site que busca Registos GRÁTIS e Pago para JeevanSathi e você terá direito a uma comissão. VivahaBandhan 8211 You8217ll ganhar uma taxa de referência para cada vez que um usuário se junta gratuitamente. Quando um usuário / membro gratuito torna-se um membro pago you8217ll get upto xx da taxa de adesão. MatrimonyMatch 8211 fornecer lotes de alta qualidade livre dicas matchmaking e conselhos para ajudar as pessoas a tornarem-se mais bem sucedido em encontrar seu parceiro de vida ideal. Top Tour And Travel Programa de afiliados Tour e sites de reserva de viagem são muito na demanda e para muitos indivíduos estes sites se comporta mais como um agente de viagens barato e rápido. O programa seguinte da filial fornece a afiliação através do Web site certificado da excursão e da indústria do curso. MakeMyTrip 8211 é considerado um número um site na tour e informações sobre viagens, reservas e como um agente de viagens site com preços competitivos. TripAdvisor 8211 permite-lhe fazer parceria e ganhar até 50 Comissão com a maior e mais confiável comunidade de viagens de world8217s. Yatra 8211 s para os editores que querem alavancar suas propriedades da correia fotorreceptora com a execução fácil que permite que você comece a ganhar commisions withina poucos minutos da aceitação. Expedia. com. br 8211 Faça uma parceria com a Expedia e comece a ganhar receitas adicionais para a sua organização. Suas parcerias baseadas em comissão permitem que você deep-link para produtos de viagens em todo o mundo. Ixigo 8211 Você ganha em cada clique que você envia para o site da companhia aérea ou do hotel. Você não assume nenhum risco de conversão ou de reserva. Poder sua pesquisa de viagem, sem custo adicional quer. Top Job Programa de Afiliados na Índia Searching Jobs on-line na Índia está emergindo como outro grande mercado para fazer lucros e, portanto, muitos portais de emprego estão procurando afiliados para fortalecer seu mercado. Monster 8211 Equipe-se com Monster e ligue o seu site para o maior mercado de postos de trabalho na web. CareerBuilder. co. in 8211 Ao integrar esta ferramenta de procura de emprego e links no seu site, os membros podem ganhar comissões para o tráfego que dirigem a este site. Indeed 8211 Participe do programa de afiliados Indeed para ganhar dinheiro, incluindo ferramentas de pesquisa de emprego em seu site ou blog. Você estará adicionando conteúdo valioso ao seu site enquanto gera receita. FreeLancer. in 8211 Ganhe 90 comissões de projetos e 10 itens vendidos no Freemarket através de banners, feeds e links no seu blog, site ou mídia social. A GulfNaukri 8211 paga comissões por cada cliente pagante que você consulte de sua página do Facebook, blog, site ou qualquer outra página de mídia social que você esteja usando. Recomendado gt Clickonik Rede de afiliados Clickonik 8211 é um dos melhores CPA rede, com sede em Gurgaon. Eles lançaram recentemente suas operações na Índia exclusivamente para webmasters indianos, recursos de ofertas como pagamentos expressos, programas de afiliados internacionais com algumas ferramentas de otimização grande. Ao contrário de outras redes, eles têm sua própria tecnologia proprietária e fornecem estatísticas transparentes para anunciantes e editores. Agora os editores têm uma oportunidade de ganhar grande, você pode encontrar todos os detalhes sobre esta ferramenta essencial instalação e configuração em seu Cadastro de Editor. Outros programas de afiliados líderes na Índia Abaixo estão o programa de afiliados miscelânea de diferentes categorias da web e são muito populares. Apple 8211 Apple afiliado programa fornece uma maneira única para o seu site ou app para ligar para milhões de músicas e milhares de aplicações. Radisson 8211 é uma empresa internacional da cadeia hoteleira com mais de 420 locais em 73 países. Reebok 8211 É uma subsidiária do grupo alemão Adidas desde 2005, e é um produtor de calçados esportivos, roupas e acessórios. Hostgator. in 8211 HostGator é um provedor líder de hospedagem na web, revenda de hospedagem, vps de hospedagem e servidores dedicados. QuickHeal. co. in 8211 é uma das principais soluções de segurança de TI com sistemas bem integrados que simplificam as ferramentas de segurança da Internet e a tecnologia antivírus. Fropper 8211 é um site indiano de namoro e redes sociais onde você pode se conectar com indianos solteiros, compartilhar fotos, blog, bate-papo e e-mail gratuitamente. O Zapak 8211 é um portal privado de jogos on-line, com jogos para navegador na Índia, promovido pela subsidiária Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group8217s, a Reliance Big Entertainment. GaneshaSpeaks 8211 programa de afiliados por Ganesha Speaks é uma maneira fácil e conveniente para você se associar com India8217s Number One Astrologia web-service. Iforex 8211 é um inovador e lucrativo programa de afiliados financeiros na Índia, que oferece oportunidades de ganhar excepcional para avançar o seu negócio de câmbio. Amazon. com 8211 A marca de confiança Amazons garante uma boa experiência ao cliente para seus visitantes, o que se traduz em melhores conversões e maiores comissões para você. Você paga por TODOS os produtos que os visitantes compram depois de seguir seus links e não apenas para os produtos específicos ) Que você anunciar. DGM-India 8211 oferece aos seus editores um programa de afiliados para desenvolver uma força de vendas virtual usando um dos nossos produtos de marketing de afiliados turnkey, em que os anunciantes promovem seus produtos através de afiliados relevantes e de alto desempenho. Indiamart 8211 online B2B marketplace oferece seu programa de marketing de afiliados on-line que permite que seus sites de parceiros de negócios, ganhar rendimentos atraentes on-line até 50. Bigrock 8211 fornecer-lhe tudo o que você precisa 8211 seu único link de afiliado para vender de alta qualidade banner anúncios e links de texto. GoDaddy 8211 Basta colocar um de seus banners ou links onde seus visitantes, clientes e amigos vão vê-lo e você vai ganhar dinheiro em cada venda qualificada feita através de seus anúncios. A finalidade aqui é mostrar todos os programas principais da filial indiana que vai bem com seu Web page nos termos de SEO e mais importante criar a oportunidade ganhando para yourself. A Índia é o 10º país mais rico do mundo com base nos cálculos do PIB nacional (Produto Interno Bruto) e PPP (Paridade do Poder de Compra). Segundo o estudo da CNN e da BRICS, a Índia ultrapassará a China, tornando-se a maior economia mundial até 2050. O relatório prevê que o PIB da Índia chegará a 85,97 trilhões em termos de paridade de poder de compra (PPP) até 2050, comparado com a China, de 80,02 trilhões para a China. Mesmo período. Em palavras simples, a Índia será o país mais rico do mundo no ano de 2050. Agora, a Índia é o lar do quinto maior grupo de bilionários do mundo e atualmente tem 69 bilionários, dos quais 5 estão na lista Forbes de 100 pessoas mais ricas do mundo. A riqueza coletiva dos bilionários indianos chega a um esmagador 398 bilhões de dólares dos EUA. Surpreendentemente, a Índia tem maior número de indivíduos super ricos do que Suíça, Alemanha, Austrália, Japão e França. Você sabia que Mumbai é o lar de 33 bilionários e está entre as seis principais cidades bilionário do mundo. Apesar das flutuações da economia, a Índia ainda melhorou sua posição no último ano. Os índios estão progredindo bem em melhorar a urbanização, seu padrão de vida, crescimento econômico e mais. Vamos ver abaixo a lista dos 10 mais ricos indianos. 1.) Mukesh Ambani 8211 é o número um mais rico empresário indiano que é o Presidente, Diretor Administrativo e maior acionista da Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). É uma parte da empresa Fortune Global 500 e India8217s segundo, após Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), empresa mais valiosa pelo valor de mercado. Ele está em 28º lugar na lista de The World8217s Most Richest People Lista 8211 Forbes com uma riqueza de 22 Bilhões de Dólares. Ele está em uma corrida para se tornar o homem mais rico da Ásia em breve. Ele é um dos proprietários de esportes mais ricos do mundo também (Mumbai Premium League). Ele mora em um prédio privado de 27 andares em Mumbai, com sua família chamada Antilia, valorizada em US $ 1 bilhão, e é considerada a casa mais cara do mundo. Idade 8211 56 Total Riqueza 8211 22 Bilhões de Dólares Americanos Empresa 8211 Reliance Riqueza Fonte 8211 Petroquímica, Petróleo e Gás, Têxteis Residência 8211 Antilia, Mumbai Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Nita Ambani Crianças 8211 Akash Ambani Amantan Amantan (Filhos) Isha Ambani (Filha) Título 8211 Homem mais rico da Índia 2.) Lakshmi Mittal 8211 é um magnata do aço indiano. Ele é o presidente e CEO da ArcelorMittal, a maior empresa de fabricação de aço do mundo. Ele foi classificado como a sexta pessoa mais rica do mundo pela Forbes em 2011, mas caiu para 21 lugar em 2012, devido à perda pesada de 10,4 bilhões ano anterior. Apesar de ser o segundo homem mais rico da Grã-Bretanha, ele não tem cidadania britânica. Sua filha Vanisha Mittal8217s casamento foi o segundo mais caro na história gravada. Em 2008, a Mittals fez uma doação de 15 milhões de libras esterlinas para Great Ormond Street Hospital, em Londres, que é a maior doação privada para o hospital já dado. Idade 8211 63 Total Riqueza 8211 17 Bilhões de Dólares EUA Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Aço Fábrica Residência 8211 Londres, Reino Unido Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Usha Mittal Crianças 8211 Dois, Nomeadamente Vanisha Mittal (Filha) Aditya Mittal (Filho) 3.) Azim Premji 8211 é Um terceiro mais rico empresário indiano e filantropo que é o presidente da Wipro Limited 8211 uma empresa multinacional de consultoria e integração de serviços de TI, com sede em Bangalore, na Índia. Ele é 61 pessoas mais ricas do mundo, com uma riqueza pessoal de 13,7 bilhões em 2014. Sua empresa Wipro é a terceira maior empresa de serviços de TI na Índia e 7 º maior do mundo. Em 2000, foi eleito entre os 20 homens mais poderosos do mundo pela Asiaweek. E ele foi duas vezes listado entre as 100 pessoas mais influentes pela Revista TIME, uma vez em 2004 e em 2011. Idade 8211 68 Riqueza Total 8211 13,7 Bilhões de Dólares EUA Fonte de Riqueza 8211 TI / Software Residência 8211 Bangalore, Índia Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Yasmeen Premilí 8211 Rishad Premji e Tariq Premji (Filhos) 4.) Dilip Shanghvi 8211 é uma quarta pessoa mais rica na Índia que é o Fundador, Presidente e Diretor Gerente da Sun Indústrias Farmacêuticas Limited, a Índia mais valiosa empresa farmacêutica. A empresa foi fundada em 1983 e é atualmente a segunda maior empresa farmacêutica da Índia após o Dr. Reddys. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries faz mega aquisição para forjar sua posição como world8217s 5 ª maior empresa de genéricos. Recentemente, Dilip Shanghvi fez um acordo de 4 bilhões com Daiichi Sankyo para comprar a rival Ranbaxy Pharma Company. Idade 8211 58 Riqueza Total 8211 12.7 Bilhões de Dólares Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Farmacêuticos, Drogas Fabricante Residência 8211 Bombaim, Índia Cidadania 8211 Índia Estado Marcial 8211 Casado Crianças 8211 Aalok Shanghvi (Filho) e Vidhi Shanghvi (Filha) 5. Pallonji Mistry 8211 é um índio Parsi magnata da construção e presidente do Shapoorji Pallonji Group. De acordo com Forbes, sua riqueza é estimada em US 12,5 bilhões. Ele é dono da Shapoorji Pallonji Construction Limited, da Forbes Textiles e da Eureka Forbes Limited. Ele também é o ex-presidente da Associated Cement Companies. Pallonji desistiu de sua cidadania indiana em 2003 para obter a cidadania irlandesa, porque a Índia ainda não permite a dupla cidadania, embora ele permaneça residente em Mumbai. Seu filho, Cyrus Pallonji Mistry sucedeu Ratan Tata para se tornar o presidente do grupo de 100 bilhões Tata. Idade 8211 84 Riqueza Total 8211 12.5 Bilhões de Dólares Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Construção, Imóveis, Têxteis Residência 8211 Mumbai, Índia Cidadania 8211 Irlanda Estado Civil 8211 Casado Crianças 8211 Shapoor e Cyrus Pallonji Mistry (dois filhos), Laila e Aloo (duas filhas) 6 .) Hinduja Brothers 8211 A empresa 8216Hinduja8217 foi fundada em 1914 por Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, inicialmente operando em Mumbai, Índia, e mais tarde a criação de sua primeira operação internacional no Irã em 1919. O grupo se expandiu sob a liderança do presidente, Srichand, apoiado Por seus irmãos, Gopichand, Prakash e Ashok. O grupo comprou Ashok Leyland, o segundo maior fabricante de HCV da índia em 1987. O renomado Hinduja Bank na Suíça e o IndusInd Bank na Índia também fazem parte desse grupo. Hoje, o Grupo Hinduja tornou-se um dos maiores grupos diversificados do mundo abrangendo todos os continentes. Total Riqueza 8211 9 Bilhões de Dólares EUA Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Petróleo Gás, Bancos, Realty Ventures, outros. Residence 8211 Índia, Reino Unido Cidadania 8211 Índia e Reino Unido Irmãos Nome - Srichand, Gopichand, Prakash e Ashok Hinduja. 7.) Shiv Nadar 8211 é um industrial indiano e filantropo. Ele é o fundador e presidente da HCL e da Fundação Shiv Nadar. A partir de 2014, sua riqueza pessoal é estimada em 8,6 bilhões. Nadar fundou a HCL em meados da década de 1970 e transformou a empresa de hardware de TI em uma empresa de TI ao longo das próximas três décadas. Entre seus clientes notáveis ​​estão Boeing, Microsoft, Cisco e UBS. Havia um rumor de que Nadar poderia vender sua empresa em 10 bilhões de dólares, como sua filha Roshni Nadar, um membro do conselho de HCL, não estava interessado em gerir este negócio. Idade 8211 68 Total Riqueza 8211 8,5 Bilhões de Dólares Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Tecnologia da Informação / Software Residência 8211 Nova Delhi, Índia Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Kiran Nadar Filhos 8211 Roshni Nadar (Filha) Adi Godrej 8211 Adi Burjorji Godrej é um industrial indiano E chefe da família Godrej, atualmente servindo como presidente do Grupo Godrej. Até 2005, ele era um dos índios mais ricos com um patrimônio líquido de US $ 6 bilhões. Hoje, o presidente do Grupo Godrej tem um patrimônio líquido de 8,3 segundo a Forbes a partir de março de 2014, o que o torna uma das 130 pessoas mais ricas do mundo. Idade -72 Riqueza Total 8211 8.3 US Bilhões de Dólares Fonte de Riqueza 8211 Residência de Produtos de Consumo 8211 Mumbai, India Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Parmeshwar Godrej Crianças 8211 Nisa Godrej e Tanya Dubash (Filhas) e Pirojsha Godrej (Filho) 9. Kumar Birla 8211 Kumar Mangalam Birla é um industrial indiano eo presidente do Grupo Aditya Birla, uma das maiores corporações conglomerado na Índia. O grupo é India8217s Quinta casa de negócios maior. Ele também é o Chanceler do Birla Institute of Technology amp Ciência. Em setembro, seu braço de cimento UltraTech assinou um acordo de 600 milhões para comprar uma unidade rival, a unidade agora é a maior produtora de cimento do país. Idade 8211 46 Total Riqueza 8211 7.7 US Bilhões Dólares Fonte 8211 Commodities Residência 8211 Mumbai, Índia Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Neerja Birla Crianças 8211 Ananyashree (Filha), Aryaman Vikram e Advaitesha (Filhos) 10.) Sunil Mittal 8211 é um empresário indiano , Filantropo e fundador, presidente e CEO do Grupo da Bharti Enterprises, que tem interesses em telecomunicações, varejo, serviços financeiros e negócios agro. O grupo flagship Bharti Airtel, com operações em 20 países da Ásia e África e uma base de clientes de mais de 275 milhões de euros, é a maior empresa de telecomunicações da Índia e a segunda maior operadora móvel do mundo. Idade 8211 56 Total Riqueza 8211 6,7 US Bilhões Dólares Fonte 8211 Telecom, Textiles Residência 8211 Nova Déli Cidadania 8211 Índia Cônjuge 8211 Nyna Crianças 8211 Eiesha Mittal (Filha) Kavin Mittal e Shravin Mittal (Filhos) A Índia era supostamente um dos mais ricos Países do mundo quando os britânicos assumiram o controle no século 17. Hoje, se falta atrás de ser 1 país no mundo é somente devido à corrupção. Vamos ser determinados a lutar contra a corrupção e devolver essa honra de volta à nossa bela terra 8211 Índia, antes de 2050. Breve História: Índia lançou seu primeiro empreendimento de Internet há muito tempo em 1995, introduzindo VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd) serviço ao público comum . O primeiro site indiano foi Rediff, pois era o primeiro domínio indiano registrado no ano de 1996. E no mesmo ano, a Planet India, a Web Development Company, entrou em existência como uma das primeiras empresas indianas a oferecer Web Development Services e Hosting na Índia . Agora conheça o primeiro navegador da web India8217s 8211 Epic Foi fundada no ano de 2010. Epic Browser é um navegador web centrado na privacidade desenvolvido pela Hidden Reflex e baseado no código-fonte Chromium. É dublado como o primeiro navegador da web da Índia. Hoje, os cinco principais provedores de serviços de Internet (ISPs) em termos de base de assinantes na Índia são BSNL, Bharti Airtel, MTNL, Hathway e banda larga. Por quase 9 anos a experiência de Internet no país permaneceu menos atraente, devido à falta de conhecimento, ritmo lento e conexões de banda estreita com velocidades inferiores a 56 Kbps. Mas hoje, a Índia é a segunda maior nação de usuários da Internet do mundo. De acordo com a Internet And Mobile Association da Índia (IAMAI), os usuários de Internet no país estava em 220 milhões no final de dezembro de 2013. Até certo ponto, sempre me perguntei que o que sites são melhores cum popular e quais não são De acordo com a Web Analytic e Information Company Alexa, os principais sites na Índia que as pessoas visitam são mais propensos a ser aqueles que você se deparar com quase todos os dias. Alexa diariamente manter registros de trilha deste site, mas há estatísticas são tomadas a partir de três meses de banco de dados de informações que guardam nesses sites. Agora vamos descobrir o Top 10 mais populares sites indianos abaixo com seu ranking Alexa na Índia. Primeiro em nossa lista é: 1.) Indiatimes 8211 é um dos mais antigos e top site indiano começou em 1996 (Domain Registration) e um dos principais notícias, compras e portal de emprego na Índia. Indiatimes é a marca emblemática da Times Internet Limited. Times Internet limitado é, por sua vez, promovido pelo Grupo Times, que tem uma participação de 90 no mesmo. Além de notícias, esportes, cricket, astrologia, e uma série de outras coisas, o portal também oferece compras, trabalho, música e informações de viagem. A Indiatimes Shopping afirma que é a maior plataforma de compras on-line da India8217s, com mais de 30.000 produtos vendidos em uma ampla gama de categorias como apparels, acessórios, jóias, bens de consumo duráveis ​​/ eletrônicos, livros, música, filmes, etc. Gaana é um serviço de streaming de música comercial que oferece música livre e licenciada. Alexa Global Rank: 104 Alexa India Rank: 9 Visitantes únicos mensais: 19.5 Milhões 2.) Flipkart 8211 é o primeiro e mais popular site indiano de comércio eletrônico. Foi fundada em 2007 por apenas um investimento de Rs 4 lakh por dois amigos Sachin Bansal e Binny Bansal, ambos os ex-alunos do Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia Delhi. Eles estavam trabalhando para a Amazon anteriormente. Flipkart lançou sua própria gama de produtos sob o nome 8220DigiFlip8221, oferecendo sacos de câmera, caneta-drives, fones de ouvido, acessórios de computador, etc Em outubro e novembro de 2011, Flipkart adquiriu os sites Mime360 e Chakpak. Mais tarde naquele ano, a Flipkart comprou a empresa, Letsbuy, por US $ 25 milhões. Ele foi fechado e todo o tráfego para Letsbuy foram desviados para Flipkart. Co-fundador da Flipkart Sachin Bansal, obteve o Empreendedor do Ano 2012-2013 do Economic Times, líder Indian Economic Daily. Rediff é o primeiro site indiano a entrar em existência em 1996. Rediffmail traz o número máximo de visitantes para o site. Além de Rediffmail, Rediff Bol, Rediff Songbuzz e Rediff Locale são outros produtos que são bastante famosos e atrai visitantes. Este serviço, essencialmente, oferece aos consumidores serviços locais em cerca de 40 cidades em toda a Índia com descontos que variam de 30 por cento a 60 por cento em qualquer negócio que eles aproveitar. Alexa India Rank: 14 Visitantes únicos: 17,5 milhões 4.) Quikr 8211 foi lançado em 12 de julho de 2008 e atualmente tem 4,5 milhões de User-Base em 900 cidades em toda a Índia. É um dos índios maior portal de classificados online e móveis baseado em Mumbai. A Quikr fornece à comunidade local uma plataforma para ajudá-los a comprar, vender, alugar e encontrar algo e atender às necessidades em muitas categorias. Quikr era anteriormente conhecido como Kijiji. in. A empresa é apoiada por Matrix Partners Índia, Rede Omidyar, Norwest Venture Partners e investido em por eBay Inc. Alexa Global Rank: 310 Alexa Índia Rank: 16 visitantes únicos mensais: 16,5 milhões 5.) Snapdeal 8211 foi iniciado em fevereiro de 2010 como um Diária plataforma de negócios, mas expandiu em setembro de 2011 para se tornar uma empresa de comércio eletrônico através de um modelo de mercado. O site foi iniciado por duas pessoas. Kunal Bahl, graduado da Wharton e Rohit Bansal, ex-aluno do IIT Delhi em fevereiro de 2010. Com 20 milhões de usuários registrados, o SnapDeal é um dos primeiros e maiores mercados on-line da Índia. Eles oferecem 4 milhões de produtos em diversas categorias de mais de 20.000 vendedores, transporte para 4000 cidades e cidades na Índia. Snapdeal levantou um total de 102 milhões de financiamento de investidores como Nexus, Bessemer, Indo-US Venture Partners e 50 milhões sozinho do eBay. Alexa Global Rank: 315 Alexa India Rank: 20 Mensal Visitantes únicos: 15,2 milhões 6.) Myntra 8211 é um varejista indiano de compras on-line de moda e produtos de estilo de vida casual. O site foi iniciado por três parceiros, nomeadamente, Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh Lawania e Vineet Saxena em Fevereiro de 2007. Os três são alunos do IIT e trabalharam para várias empresas em fase de arranque. Myntra tem sede em Bangalore e foi financiado por fundos de capital de risco como Tiger, Kalaari, IDG amp Accel Partners. Myntra atualmente oferece produtos de mais de 350 marcas indianas e internacionais. O Naukri 8211 é um motor de busca de emprego indiano que opera na Índia, fundado em março de 1997 pela Info Edge (Índia) Ltd. Publica um relatório mensal chamado Naukri JobSpeak . Foi reconhecido como o melhor site classificado na 2a edição do India Digital Awards organizado pela Internet e Mobile Association of India. Naukri tinha um banco de dados de cerca de 35 milhões de solicitantes de emprego registrados e mais de 98.000 listagens de trabalho ao vivo de clientes corporativos. A NDTV 8211 é uma rede de televisão de televisão comercial indiana fundada em 1988 por Radhika Roy e Roy Prannoy. NDTV é uma sigla para o nome original da empresa, New Delhi Television. Ao longo dos anos, a NDTV expandiu sua carteira de marcas para aproveitar oportunidades além do espaço de notícias e tem subsidiárias de step-down: NDTV Lifestyle, NDTV Convergence (Mobile e Internet) e hoje é o site de notícias mais seguido e assistido na Índia. NDTV é sétimo site mais popular na Índia com Alexa Posições 30. Alexa Global Rank: 422 Alexa Índia Rank: 30 Mensal Visitantes únicos: 10,5 milhões 9) HDFCbank 8211 Indian empresa de serviços financeiros com sede em Mumbai. É o quinto maior banco na Índia por ativos. Foi incorporado em 1994 e foi promovido pelo Housing Development Finance Corporation (India8217s a maior companhia de financiamento de habitação). A sua base de clientes situou-se em 28,7 milhões de clientes em 31 de Março de 2013. Em 23 de Maio de 2008, o HDFC Bank adquiriu o Centurion Bank of Punjab, tendo o seu número total de filiais para mais de 1.000. O HDFC Bank foi o primeiro banco na Índia a lançar um Cartão de Débito Internacional em associação com o VISA. Atualmente, o HDFC Bank possui 3.251 agências e 11.177 caixas eletrônicos em 2.022 cidades na Índia. Alexa Global Rank: 431 Alexa Índia Rank: 32 Mensal Visitantes únicos: 9,5 Milhões 10.) Intoday. in 8211 é a presença digital do Grupo India Today. A empresa foi fundada em 1975 e sua primeira publicação foi a India Today International, que era uma revista quinzenal de notícias. Aroon Purie é o Presidente e Editor-em-Chefe e Ashish Bagga é o CEO. Ele também tem vários Joint Ventures e acordos de licenciamento com marcas proeminentes para suas edições indianas, como, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Reader8217s Digest, Scientific American, etc Alexa Global Rank: 442 Alexa Índia Rank: 34 Mensal Visitantes únicos: 7,2 milhões Você Saber que os blogs indianos também são mundialmente famosos. Labnol. org e ShoutMeLoud, são alguns dos blogs que são muito populares entre os países ocidentais (além disso, ninguém presume tão facilmente que é um Blog indiano). Há tanto de talento iminente que não podemos parar o nosso auto para compartilhar com você o futuro da Web indiano, especialmente para a escrita de conteúdo. É difícil acreditar que os países como EUA, Canadá, Rússia, Itália, China, etc estão contratando índios para o conteúdo do seu site. Today, major top positions like CEO, COO, VP, MD and so on, are of Indian in some of the world most renowned Web Companies. Even more surprisingly, out of world top 1000 Web Developers and Designers 28 are Indians. Well this is not the end, but just a beginning We will continue to show you the best of Indian internet on our upcoming posts. Above were the Top Indian Websites that made us all ostentatious and somewhere we follow these Best Indian Websites in our daily routine work too. Several people around the world search websites without just knowing the exact domain name of a website. And it happens many times with us also. We just type words and expect to see the best result while searching on Google. Many times we want to explore that which site rank number one with maximum number of keywords match. And did you know that these set of keywords is also a big reason behind the success of some of new websites and blogs. Well, its a extended story of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and we will not go much into details. Let us just see below which are the most common keywords searched in India. Railway Booking 8211 is used for Online Passenger Reservation for booking facility of Railway tickets online. With first rank IRCTC offers services like booking train tickets or checking reservation status, etc. Its a mix of keywords like Railway Reservation/ Booking/ Tickets/ Online, etc. Cricket 8211 is one of the pious sport in our nation. People search over internet for cricket live score or to see live coverage of the match. Cricinfo is very popular website to see the live score and rank no.1 with keywords related to cricket in Google search results. Other Keywords related are Cricket Score/ Live Score/ Match/info, etc. Bollywood Songs 8211 is the third most searched keyword and is also used with terms such as download bollywood songs or download Hindi songs to listen to the Indian music/songs in computer, laptop or in any other gadgets. Online Shopping 8211 few are the people in metros who dont shop online. Its a leading revolution in India, and for that reason these days we choose to shop online rather than visiting our nearest retail shop. PNR Status 8211 is a status to see the current formation of booking related to Railway tickets. indianrail. gov. in provides dynamic information like current PNR grade of the passengers, accessibility of berths in all classes and static enquiries like Train Between Important Stations, Reservations Rules, Fares, Refund, and Rules etc. Internet banking 8211 in recent times online Internet Banking is very common for many Indian. Internet banking facility offers convenience of extended hours banking to its customers with the comfort of sitting in home or office. Aadhaar Card 8211 people are searching for functions related to aadhar card e. g. its purpose, to check its status or to download it from UIDAI website (Unique Identification Authority of India). It is used for imperative Identity and Address proof anywhere in India. Samsung Galaxy 8211 whether its S3, S4 or Note2, Note3 model, Samsung is at no sixth position when its comes to maximum number of searches in Google with its popular product hunt. IBPS 8211 a body providing integrated end to end solutions for human resource management of client organizations. In Just one year IBPS was successful in screening over 10 Million Candidates for testing and filled approx. 80,236 vacancies for its client organizations. Narendra Modi 8211 is a popular Political Party (BJP) leader and also the most famous politician on social media sites such as facebook and twitter with maximum number of 7,539,509 likes on facebook. 1.) DLF 8211 is the largest commercial real estate developer in India. It was founded by Raghuvendra Singh in 1946 and is based in New Delhi, India. DLF developed residential colonies in Delhi such as Shivaji Park (their first development), Rajouri Garden, Krishna Nagar, South Extension, Greater Kailash, Kailash Colony, and Hauz Khas. DLF builds residential, office, and retail properties. The company is headed by Indian billionaire Kushal Pal Singh. According to the Forbes listing he was the 98th richest man in the world and the world8217s richest property developer in 2009. The company8217s US 2 billion IPO in July, 2007 was India8217s biggest IPO in history. In its first quarter results for the period ending 30 June 2007, the company reported a turnover of Rs. 3,120.98 Crore and profits after taxes of Rs. 1,515.48 Crore. 2.) Unitech Real Estate 8211 is India8217s second largest real estate investment company, and has also recently claimed to be one of the largest real estate builder in the country. The company is based in New Delhi and ranks 1484, in Forbes Global 2000 listing of the top 2000 public companies in the world by Forbes magazine, 32nd in India. Its construction business includes highways, roads, powerhouses, transmission lines, and it has residential projects called Unitech Cities/Uni World. The company began to enter into real estate in 1986 and started to increase focus in Real Estate in 2000 today it is India8217s second-largest listed real estate firm. 3.) Housing Development amp Infrastructure Limited (HDIL) 8211 has established itself as one of Indias premier real estate development companies, with significant operations in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. HDIL is a public listed real estate company in India with shares traded on the BSE amp NSE Stock Exchanges. HDIL group has completed more than 100 million sq. ft of construction in all verticals of real estate and has rehabilitated around 30,000 families in last one decade. Company residential projects range from apartment complexes to towers to townships. And commercial projects comprise premium office spaces as well as multiplex cinemas. In retail, we focus on building world-class shopping malls. 4.) Omaxe 8211 is another Indias leading real estate development companies. Having spread its footprints in 9 States across 30 cities in India, the company has already delivered more than 166 projects and is currently executing 42 real estate projects 8211 17 Integrated Townships, 2 Hi-Tech Townships, 14 Group Housing projects, 7 Shopping Malls amp Commercial Complexes and 2 Hotel projects. Mr Rohtas Goel founded Omaxe back in 1987. In 1989, he laid the foundation of Omaxe Builders Private Limited to undertake construction amp contracting business. In 2007 the company got listed on Indian bourses (BSE and NSE). Within a short span, the company emerged as one of the largest real estate companies marked by some of the renowned and hugely appreciated projects, awards and accolades and more importantly the trust of the people. 5.) Ambuja Realty Group 8211 Ambuja Neotia is one of the most prominent and respected corporate houses headquartered in Kolkata with its forte in real estate and recent forays into hospitality, healthcare and education. The company, under the stewardship of Mr. Harshavardhan Neotia has been responsible for landmark projects in and around Kolkata. The Group also has several projects in Eastern India as well as other parts of the country in the pipeline. The Group is also in partnership with Advance India Projects Ltd. to provide high quality housing solutions tailored to meet contemporary lifestyles. (as a joint venture between AIPL and Ambuja Housing amp Urban Infrastructure Ltd.) 6.) Oberoi Realty 8211 is a real estate developer based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is led by billionaire Vikas Oberoi. Oberoi Construction was started in 1985 by his father from the profits of family8217s saffron-trading business. Since taking over in 1997 Oberoi has built on inheritance with several upmarket residential and commercial projects. It has completed 32 projects covering approximately 4.979 million square feet of saleable area spread across the city of Mumbai. Its main interest is in Residential, Office Space, Retail, Hospitality and Social Infrastructure properties in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India. Oasis Tower will second tallest tower India is developed by Oberoi Realty. 7.) Supertech 8211 was founded in 1988. The company completed 20 years in real estate business and has credited a customer base of more than 50,000 with Projects across 40 locations. Till date, the company has delivered more than 10,000 units and 1,000 commercial units has been allocated. Supertech has recently ventured into construction of designer residences at Supernova, Noida for which the company has tied up with world renowned designer, 8220Armani/Casa8221. The company has also got into association with Disney India to come up with Disney inspired homes-exteriors and interiors at its township project, Fable Castle. 8.) Parsvnath 8211 The company is Headed by Mr. Pradeep Jain as a Chairmain. With a pan-India presence in over 44 cities in 15 states they have marked their ultimate identity as popular Real Estate builder and in constructing remarkable residential spaces, state-of-the-art office complexes, affordable housing, luxurious, shopping malls and hypermarkets, posh hotels, futuristic multiplexes, and ultra modern IT Parks and special economic zones. 9.) Indiabulls Real Estate 8211 is one of the largest real estate company in India with development projects spread across high-end office and commercial complexes, premium residential developments, mega townships, retail spaces, hotel and resorts, state of the art special economic zones and infrastructure development. It has 31 ongoing projects totaling 72.86 million square feet, 2588 acres of SEZ development and additional land bank of 1001.43 acres. Each project bears a stamp of thoughtful solutions and highest quality. The company has partnered with specialists from India and abroad working on various aspects including design, landscaping, engineering and structural strength of each of the developments. 10.) Ansal 8211 construction company is run by Mr Deepak Ansal (Chairman amp Managing Director). Ansal Housing has already developed 68 million sq. ft. of area and more than 66 million sq. ft. is under various phases of development. Today, the company is present across 22 cities in India and has created a land bank in excess of 87 million sq. ft. These lands will be developed into integrated townships with clubhouse and other international facilities. In all, the company has projects worth approximately Rs. 6000 crores which will be completed over the next 5 years. Posts navigation Recent Posts Recent Comments Categories Join us todayTamasha review: Deepika, Ranbir and their intriguing journey Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone in a still from Tamasha. (YOUTUBE GRAB) Film: Tamasha Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Piyush Mishra Director . Imtiaz Ali Rating: 3.5/5 Deepika Padukone-Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Tamasha, that released on Friday, is Imtiaz Alirsquos most complex and intriguing journey till date. Almost all of us have been brought up with such robotic mannerisms that we tend to forget our real selves - much like the protagonist Ved. This could have been a much larger connect for the audience, but does the director succeed in etching his characters to the point you feel their pain and angst Letrsquos explore. Throughout Tamasha, there is a recurrent line - that it is always the same story of boy meets girl and society creates a rift between them. Is Tamasha any different It is not. Only this time, society creates the barrier through a much longer route - with the norms implanted deep down in the protagonistrsquos character. Imtiaz Alirsquos Tamasha is a theatrical attempt at exploring love, life and the love for life in its best form - free from the shackles of society. Be it Rockstar, Highway or Jab We Met - Imtiazrsquos characters seem to be treading the same line. Once again, the protagonist (Ved, played by Ranbir Kapoor) is a lsquonormal, averagersquo man going about his life in the routine prescribed by his immediate society and family - a character caught in the drama of routine and decency. The film traces Vedrsquos journey from following the set patterns of life to getting back to his childhood self where he was in awe of stories and characters. Ranbir Kapoor is desperately in need of a hit film. (YouTube) While Highway was a well-explored journey of Veera (Alia Bhatt), Imtiaz Ali fails to offer any novelty in Tamasha. What is more disappointing is the fact that the director does not build his characters enough for the audience to empathise - almost half the film is dedicated to the scenic beauty of Corsica and harps more on the sizzling chemistry of Ranbir-Deepika rather than bringing the audience any closer to the characters. In the first half, there are sequences that touch upon the dark sides of life and well-choreographed songs but these scenes donrsquot explore the protagonistsrsquo personalities and lives. There is not even a proper conversation to hold the audience - most of the scenes that involve dialogues are peppered with background music and songs - which is good, with AR Rahmanrsquos soothing music and Irshad Kamil sharp lyrics - but it hampers the audiencersquos engagement with the characters onscreen. The second half, thankfully, gears up and brings us a little closer to Ved and Tara. People with an artistic bent in their personality are likely to identify with Vedrsquos character - he is mesmerised with stories and theatre, but life and its demands of making a living in accordance with his pragmatic father, take a toll on his real calling and make him forget his real self. It is only on a holiday trip in Corsica where he meets Tara (Deepika Padukone) and his love for fun and theatre comes back to the fore. Ved and Tara have an agreement that they wonrsquot reveal real names or anything that can trace them back to their lives - leaving behind the fun, love and connection they find in each other. Earlier, Ranbir, Deepika were seen together in Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani (2013). (YouTube) When Tara tracks Ved and meets him in Delhi, she finds a different man - a product manager who has been saving his job solely through his lsquowell-manneredrsquo behaviour and the tendency to be a yes-man of his boss. With a broken heart, she decides to leave Ved alone and move on, but you cannot move on from love, from your own heart. Tamasha traces the journey of Ved leaving behind his put-on, robotic character and coming back to Tara. Watch Tamasha movie review Ranbir outshines Deepika in this one-time watch In the film, the characters keep asking time and again if their story is any different from the ones we keep hearing and if it is good enough - as if seeking the audiencersquos approval - and that gets irritating after a point. The beautiful locations of Corsica, trippy camera angles and well-stationed frames ensure the movie takes the audience on a journey to a fantasy land - one where you do not have to play by the boring rules of real life. Tamasha is directed by Imtiaz Ali. (YouTube) Some of the sequences in the film are interesting - like the one where Ved tells Tara she need not play the lsquotouch-me-notrsquo woman and assures her lsquokameenapan nahi karungarsquo. Or the one where Ved goes to Piyush Mishra, the storyteller who introduced him to the world of stories as a child, to seek solution to the problems of his life. Piyush Mishra is a forgetful man and keeps mixing all the stories, when Ved does not hear what he wants to, he gets angry and this sets off Mishra. He says Ved is a coward to seek advice from someone else - a perfect life lesson for all of us - we often seek approval from someone and want them to tell us that our heartrsquos calling is right. We shouldnrsquot. Both Ranbir and Deepika come across as mature performers in Tamasha. While Deepika re-asserts her acting capabilities despite the script rendering her the second fiddle, Ranbir - who has been facing criticism over his last few outings onscreen - surprises with his brilliant acting prowess. Ranbir talking to himself in front of the mirror and the time when he tells his own story to his family are some of the most striking sequences. Be it role-playing Don, aping Dev Anand or the Ved torn between his routine of office, life and the freedom-loving story-teller - Ranbir aces all forms of the character. Tamasha is definitely Ranbirrsquos best films till date. Watch: Tamasha trailer Tamasha could have been, but is certainly not, Imtiazrsquos best - I found it better than Rockstar, but it is not as gripping as Highway. With Imtiazrsquos intriguing take on love stories, scenic locations and brilliant acting by Ranbir and Deepika, it is a one-time watch, but nothing more. In a very little time advertising industry in India has carved a place for itself on the global map. Today, India is a largest advertising country in the world and does a multi-billion dollar business a year. When you are in home or out for an office you might have noticed loads of ads in Newspaper, TV, Magazines or even billboards in a single day. Well, its not an easy task to promote diverse consumer product or services to 1 Billion people in India with massive competition among companies. Here, advertising plays many significant roles to showcase merchandise with ease. India master the technique of selling stuffs. Even street vendors or hawkers knows how to advertise their product. And with this perfection India is now home to 100 plus outsourced call centers/ BPOs, and moreover has its own version of Silicon Valley in the city of Bangalore. With this current pace at which the top Indian advertising agency is moving the industry is expected to witness a major boom in the times ahead and this will also help and contribute to the country GDP. For more information on Indian advertising, advertising agencies, marketing and advertising, we have listed below top 5 advertising agencies in India . 1.) Ogilvy and Mather Limited: 8211 is a renowned international advertising, marketing and public relations agency with head office in Manhattan, US. It operates 450 offices in 120 countries with approximately 18,000 employees. In India, Its a number one advertising company which is Headed by Mr. Piyush Pandey as an executive Chairman. Famous Google India advertisement (about separation of two childhood friends due to India-Pakistan partition) is created by this company. Site: ogilvy 2.) JWT India: 8211 JWT (J. Walter Thompson) is a 150-year-old marketing communications brand from US. With headquarters in New York and more than 200 offices in over 90 countries, JWT and its network of nearly 10,000 marketing professionals has a significant and influential presence in the global advertising landscape. In india is Head by Mr. Colvyn Harris (CEO). Its second largest Indian advertising agency. Site: jwt/india 3.) Mudra communications Pvt. Ltd:- also known as Mudra India is an advertising, communications and brand management company in India. It is India8217s third largest advertising agency which is headed by Mr. Madhukar Kamath as CEO amp MD. The company has successful conducted advertising campaigns of brands and products such as Rasna, Godrej, McDonalds and Big Bazaar. Site: ddbmudragroup 4.) Lowe Lintas amp Partners: 8211 is headquartered in Mumbai and is headed by Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, R. Balakrishnan (Balki) and Chief Executive Officer, Joseph George (Joe). The agency has a brilliant talent pool of over 750 people across seven divisions and nine cities all over India to manage its 250 clients. The company is one the largest and most storied communication groups. Site: lowelintas. in 5.) FCB-ULKA advertising pvt. Ltd:- Ulka Advertising was founded on February 1, 1961 by Bal and Ann Mundkur. The company recently completed its 50 years (which included FCB acquiring 51 stake in 1997, and Draftfcb acquiring the remaining 49 in 2007) and seems a good time to take stock of the accomplishments of the agency and the road ahead. Site: draftfcbulka. in/ Below are few other Advertising Company in India that are well renowned for their work and doing pretty well Ad Business: 6.) Rediffusion DYampR Pvt Ltd. 7.) RK Swamy BBDO Pvt Ltd. 8.) McCann-Ericsson India Pvt Ltd. 10.) Grey worldwide (India) Pvt Ltd. 11.) Dentsu India. 12.) Contract Advertising India Ltd. 13.) Pressamn Advertising and Marketing Ltd. Did you know affiliate marketing is widening its scope in India with some great demand by several western companies. And there is a reason to it. First, India is one of largest marketing hub in the world and has a outstanding potential for innovative business. Second, cheap payouts with less investment plans. And third free advertisement to large audience. Many of these affiliate agencies aim best Indian bloggers and webmaster to showcase their product and services. Gradually, Indian companies are learning through foreign affiliate modus operandi. They are now building various marketing programs to reach to large and target audience. Today affiliate program is one of the best source to generate profits online. Many bloggers in India consider affiliate program as a finest alternate for Google Adsense also (as adsense is very hard to get your hand on). There are very few Indian based affiliate companies that are successful to make their mark and liked by a majority of Indian webmasters. We have listed below the top and best 35 Indian Affiliate Program: Top Online Shopping Affiliate Programs Online Shopping provides various stuff right in front of our home doors. Many people today consider to shop online. And so affiliates can make big deal out of these shopping websites. Flipkart 8211 earn commissions by placing product banners or links on your website to refer users to the Flipkart website. You can earn up to 15 every time a user clicks on the banner/link and makes a purchase on our site. SnapDeal 8211 For a successful sale, If someone clicks on this promoted link and buys any product on our website, you are eligible for getting 10 of Sale amount to a maximum of Rs. 400 Infibeam 8211 Affiliates can earn up to 10 commission for any sales that they generate for us. Affiliates get to choose from a huge selection of product categories. Tradus 8211 affiliate team will help you from day one to make your program a success. Here you will get Best conversion rates in the industry because of lowest rates. Yepme 8211 Any sales made to customers who have clicked on those links will earn the affiliate commission. The standard commission rate is currently 5 Shimply 8211 Affiliates can earn commissions up to 6 on each sale by placing banners, widgets or links on their website. It has one of the largest catalog in India with over 1.7 crore products. Top Matrimonial Affiliate Program Matrimonial affiliate programs today are considered top choice by numerous Indian webmasters. Almost all quality websites have matrimonial link in their websites. Following are some of the best matrimonial programs to join. Shaadi 8211 Earn 75 Revenue Share PLUS an additional 25 bonus opportunity for a total of up to 100 commission with the world8217s largest matrimonial site. BharatMatrimony 8211 Place Banner in your webpage and you will get paid for every paid membership that8217s generated through your site JeevanSathi 8211 provide a links for your website that fetches FREE and Paid Registrations to JeevanSathi and you will be entitled to a commission. VivahaBandhan 8211 You8217ll earn a referral fee for every time a user joins for free. When a user/free member becomes a paid member you8217ll get upto xx of the membership fee. MatrimonyMatch 8211 provide lots of free high quality matchmaking tips and advice to help people become more successful at finding their ideal life partner. Top Tour And Travel Affiliate Program Tour and Travel booking websites are very much in demand and for many individuals these sites behaves more like a cheap and fast travel agent. Following affiliate program provide affiliation through certified website from Tour and Travel Industry. MakeMyTrip 8211 is considered a number one website in tour and travel information, booking and as a travel agent site with competitive rates. TripAdvisor 8211 enables you to partner and earn upto 50 Commission with the world8217s largest and most trusted travel community. Yatra 8211 s for publishers who want to leverage their web properties with easy implementation that allows you to start earning commisions withina few minutes of acceptance. Expedia. in 8211 Partner with Expedia and start earning additional revenue for your organisation. Their commission-based partnerships allow you to deep-link to worldwide travel products. Ixigo 8211 You earn on every click you send to the airline or hotel site. You take no risk of conversion or a booking. Power your travel search at no extra cost either. Top Job Affiliate Program in India Searching Jobs online in India is emerging as another big market to make profits and therefore many Job portals are looking for affiliates to strengthen their market. Monster 8211 Team up with Monster and link your website to the largest marketplace of jobs on the web. CareerBuilder. co. in 8211 By integrating this job search tool and links on your site, members can earn commissions for the traffic they drive to this site. Indeed 8211 Join the Indeed affiliate Program to earn money by including job search tools on your website or blog. You will be adding valuable content to your site while generating revenue. FreeLancer. in 8211 Earn 90 of project commissions and 10 of items sold on Freemarket through banners, feeds and links on your blog, site or social media. GulfNaukri 8211 pay commissions for every paying customer you refer from your facebook page, blog, website, or any other social media page you are using. Recommended gt Clickonik Affiliate Network Clickonik 8211 is one of the best CPA network, based in Gurgaon. They recently launched their operations in India exclusively for Indian webmasters, offerings features like express payments, international affiliate programs with some great optimisation tools. Unlike other networks they have their own proprietary technology and provide transparent stats to both advertisers and publishers. Now publishers have an opportunity to earn big, you can find all details on this essential tool installation and setup in their Publisher Signup . Other Leading Affiliate Programs In India Below are the miscellaneous affiliate program from different web categories and are very popular. Apple 8211 Apple affiliate programme provides a unique way for your website or app to link to millions of songs and thousands of apps. Radisson 8211 is an international hotel chain company with more than 420 locations in 73 countries. Reebok 8211 It is a subsidiary of the German group Adidas since 2005, and is a producer of athletic shoes, clothing, and accessories. Hostgator. in 8211 HostGator is a leading provider of web hosting, reseller hosting, vps hosting, and dedicated servers. QuickHeal. co. in 8211 is a leading IT security solutions with well integrated systems that simplify Internet Security tools and Anti-Virus Technology. Fropper 8211 is a Indian Dating and Social Networking site where you can Connect with Single Indians, Share Pics, Blog, Chat and Email for Free. Zapak 8211 is a privately held, online gaming portal, with browser games in India, promoted by the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group8217s subsidiary company Reliance Big Entertainment. GaneshaSpeaks 8211 affiliate program by Ganesha Speaks is an easy and convenient way for you to associate yourself with India8217s Number One Astrology web-service. iforex 8211 is an innovative and lucrative financial affiliate program in India that provides exceptional earning opportunities to advance your foreign exchange business. Amazon. in 8211 Amazons trusted brand ensures a good customer experience for your visitors, which translates to better conversions and higher commissions for you. You get paid for ALL products that visitors buy after following your links, and not just for the specific product(s) that you advertise. DGM-India 8211 offers to its publishers a affiliate program to develop a virtual sales force using one of our turnkey affiliate marketing products, whereby advertisers promote their products via relevant and top performing affiliates. Indiamart 8211 online B2B marketplace offers its online affiliate marketing program that lets its business partner websites, earn attractive revenue online upto 50. Bigrock 8211 provide you with everything you need 8211 your unique affiliate link to sell from, high quality banner ads and text links. GoDaddy 8211 Just place one of their banners or links where your visitors, customers and friends will see it and you8217ll earn cash on every qualifying sale made through your ads. The purpose here is to show all major Indian Affiliate programs that goes well with your webpage in terms of SEO and more importantly to create earning opportunity for yourself. India is 10th Richest Country in the world based on country GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) calculations. According to CNN and BRICS summit survey, India will overtake China, becoming worlds biggest economy by 2050. The report predicts Indias GDP will reach 85.97 trillion in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) by 2050, compared to Chinas figure of 80.02 trillion for the same period. In simple words, India will be the richest country in the world in the year 2050. Right-now, India is home to the fifth largest group of billionaires in the world and currently has 69 billionaires, out of which 5 are in Forbes list of top 100 richest people in the world. The collective wealth of the Indian billionaires comes to an overwhelming 398 Billion US dollars. Surprisingly, India has higher number of super rich individuals than Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Japan and France. Did you know that Mumbai is home to 33 billionaires and is among the top six billionaire cities in the world. Despite the economy fluctuations, India has still improved its position over the last year. Indians are progressing well in improving urbanization, their living standard, economic growth and more. Let us below see the list of top 10 richest Indian . 1.) Mukesh Ambani 8211 is a number one richest Indian business tycoon who is the Chairman, Managing Director and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). Its a part of Fortune Global 500 company and India8217s second, after Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), most valuable company by market value. He is ranked 28 in the list of The World8217s Most Richest People List 8211 Forbes with a wealth of 22 Billion Dollars. He is in a race to become richest man in Asia soon. He is one of the richest sports owners in the world also (Mumbai Premium League). He live in a private 27-storey building in Mumbai with his family named Antilia valued at 1 billion US Dollars and it is said to be the most expensive house in the world. Age 8211 56 Total Wealth 8211 22 Billion US Dollars Company 8211 Reliance Wealth Source 8211 Petrochemicals, Oil amp Gas, Textiles Residence 8211 Antilia, Mumbai Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Nita Ambani Children 8211 Akash Ambani amp Anant Ambani (Sons) Isha Ambani (Daughter) Title 8211 Richest Man in India 2.) Lakshmi Mittal 8211 is an Indian steel magnate. He is the chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal, the worlds largest steel making company. He was ranked the sixth richest person in the world by Forbes in 2011, but dropped to 21st place in 2012, due to heavy loss of 10.4 billion previous year. Despite being the second richest man in Britain, he does not hold British citizenship. His daughter Vanisha Mittal8217s wedding was the second most expensive in recorded history. In 2008 the Mittals made a donation of 15 million British Pound to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London which is the largest private donation to the hospital ever given. Age 8211 63 Total Wealth 8211 17 Billion US Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Steel Plant Residence 8211 London, United Kingdom Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Usha Mittal Children 8211 Two, Namely Vanisha Mittal (Daughter) Aditya Mittal (Son) 3.) Azim Premji 8211 is a third richest Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman of Wipro Limited 8211 a multinational IT Consulting and System Integration services company, headquartered in Bangalore, India. He is 61 richest person in the world, with a personal wealth of 13.7 billion in 2014. His company Wipro is the third largest IT services company in India and 7th largest in the world. In 2000, he was voted among the 20 most powerful men in the world by Asiaweek. And he has twice been listed among the 100 most influential people by TIME Magazine, once in 2004 and in 2011. Age 8211 68 Total Wealth 8211 13.7 Billion US Dollars Wealth Source 8211 IT/Software Residence 8211 Bangalore, India Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Yasmeen Premji Children 8211 Rishad Premji and Tariq Premji (Sons) 4.) Dilip Shanghvi 8211 is a fourth richest person in India who is the Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Indias most valuable pharma firm. The company was founded in 1983 and it is currently the second largest drugmaker company in India after Dr Reddys. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries makes mega acquisition to forge its position as world8217s 5th largest generics firm. Recently, Dilip Shanghvi made a deal of 4 Billion with Daiichi Sankyo to buy rival Ranbaxy Pharma Company. Age 8211 58 Total Wealth 8211 12.7 Billion Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Pharmaceuticals, Drugs Maker Residence 8211 Mumbai, India Citizenship 8211 India Martial Status 8211 Married Children 8211 Aalok Shanghvi (Son) and Vidhi Shanghvi (Daughter) 5.) Pallonji Mistry 8211 is an Indian Parsi construction tycoon and chairman of Shapoorji Pallonji Group. According to Forbes, his wealth is estimated to be US 12.5 billion. He owns Shapoorji Pallonji Construction Limited, Forbes Textiles and Eureka Forbes Limited. He is also the former Chairman of Associated Cement Companies. Pallonji gave up his Indian citizenship in 2003 to obtain Irish citizenship, because India does not yet allow dual citizenship, though he remains resident in Mumbai. His son, Cyrus Pallonji Mistry succeeded Ratan Tata to become chairman of the 100 billion Tata Group. Age 8211 84 Total Wealth 8211 12.5 Billion Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Construction, Real Estate, Textiles Residence 8211 Mumbai, India Citizenship 8211 Ireland Marital Status 8211 Married Children 8211 Shapoor and Cyrus Pallonji Mistry (two sons), Laila and Aloo (two daughters) 6.) Hinduja Brothers 8211 The company 8216Hinduja8217 was founded in 1914 by Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, initially operating in Mumbai, India, and later setting up their first international operation in Iran in 1919. The group has expanded under the leadership of Chairman, Srichand, supported by his brothers, Gopichand, Prakash and Ashok. The Group bought Ashok Leyland, Indias second largest HCV manufacturer in 1987. Renowned Hinduja Bank in Switzerland amp IndusInd Bank in India are also part of this group. Today, the Hinduja Group has become one of the largest diversified groups in the world spanning all the continents. Total Wealth 8211 9 Billion US Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Oil amp Gas, Banks, Realty Ventures, others. Residence 8211 India, United Kingdom Citizenship 8211 India and UK Brothers Name - Srichand, Gopichand, Prakash and Ashok Hinduja. 7.) Shiv Nadar 8211 is an Indian industrialist and philanthropist. He is the founder and chairman of HCL and the Shiv Nadar Foundation. As of 2014, his personal wealth is estimated at 8.6 billion. Nadar founded HCL in the mid-1970s and transformed the IT hardware company into an IT Enterprise over the next three decades. Among its notable customers are Boeing, Microsoft, Cisco and UBS. There was a rumour that Nadar might sell his company in 10 Billion dollars, as his daughter Roshni Nadar, a member on the HCL board, was not interested in running this business. Age 8211 68 Total Wealth 8211 8.5 Billion Dollars Source Of Wealth 8211 Information technology/ Software Residence 8211 New Delhi, India Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Kiran Nadar Children 8211 Roshni Nadar (Daughter) 8.) Adi Godrej 8211 Adi Burjorji Godrej is an Indian industrialist and head of the Godrej family, currently serving as chairman of the Godrej Group. Till 2005, he was one of the richest Indians with a net worth of US 6 billion. Today, the Godrej Group Chairman has a net worth of 8.3 according to Forbes as of March 2014, making him one of the top 130 wealthiest people in the world. Age -72 Total Wealth 8211 8.3 US Billion Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Consumer Products Residence 8211 Mumbai, India Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Parmeshwar Godrej Children 8211 Nisa Godrej amp Tanya Dubash (Daughters) and Pirojsha Godrej (Son) 9.) Kumar Birla 8211 Kumar Mangalam Birla is an Indian industrialist and the Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group, one of the largest conglomerate corporations in India. The group is India8217s Fifth largest business house. He is also the Chancellor of the Birla Institute of Technology amp Science. In September, its cement arm UltraTech inked a 600 million deal to buy a rival unit the unit is now country8217s largest cement producer. Age 8211 46 Total Wealth 8211 7.7 US Billion Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Commodities Residence 8211 Mumbai, India Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Neerja Birla Children 8211 Ananyashree (Daughter), Aryaman Vikram and Advaitesha (Sons) 10.) Sunil Mittal 8211 is an Indian entrepreneur, philanthropist and the founder, chairman and Group CEO of Bharti Enterprises, which has interests in telecom, retail, financial services, and agri business. The Group flagship Bharti Airtel, with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa and a customer base of over 275 million, is India8217s largest telecom company and world8217s fourth largest mobile operator. Age 8211 56 Total Wealth 8211 6.7 US Billion Dollars Wealth Source 8211 Telecom, Textiles Residence 8211 New Delhi Citizenship 8211 India Spouse 8211 Nyna Children 8211 Eiesha Mittal (Daughter) Kavin Mittal and Shravin Mittal (Sons) India was supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world when the British took it over in 17 century. Today, If it lack behind from being 1 country in the world is only due to corruption. Lets be determined to fight against corruption and give back that honour back to our beautiful land 8211 India, before 2050. Brief History: India launched its first Internet venture long back in 1995 by introducing VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd) service to the common public. The first Indian website was Rediff as it was the first Indian Domain registered in year 1996. And in the same year, Planet India, Web Development Company, got into existence as one of the first Indian Company to offer Web Development Services and Hosting in India. Now meet India8217s first web browser 8211 Epic It was founded in the year 2010. Epic Browser is a privacy-centric web browser developed by Hidden Reflex and based on Chromium source code. It is dubbed as the first web browser from India. Today, the top five Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in terms of subscriber base in India are BSNL, Bharti Airtel, MTNL, Hathway and You Broadband. For almost 9 years the Internet experience in the country remained less attractive, due to lack of knowledge, slow pace and narrow-band connections having speeds less than 56 Kbps. But today, India is second-largest Internet user-base nation in the world. According to the Internet And Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the Internet users in the country stood at 220 million at the end of Dec, 2013. To a certain extent we have always wondered that what websites are best cum popular and what are not According to Web Analytic and Information Company Alexa, the top websites in India that people visit are further likely to be those you come across almost every day. Alexa daily uphold track records of these website but there stats are taken from three months of information database they save on these websites. Now lets figure out Top 10 Most Popular Indian Websites below with their Alexa Ranking in India. First on our list is: 1.) Indiatimes 8211 is one of oldest and top Indian website started in 1996 (Domain Registration) and one of the leading news, shopping and job portal in India. Indiatimes is the flagship brand of Times Internet Limited. Times Internet limited is in turn promoted by The Times Group, which has a 90 stake in it. Apart from News, Sports, Cricket, Astrology, and a number of other things, the portal also offers Shopping, Job, Music and Travel information. Indiatimes Shopping claims it is India8217s largest online shopping platform featuring over 30,000 products for sale across a wide range of categories such as apparels, accessories, jewellery, consumer durables/electronics, books, music, movies, etc. itimes is the social networking site. Gaana is a commercial music streaming service providing free and licensed music. Alexa Global Rank: 104 Alexa India Rank: 9 Monthly Unique Visitors: 19.5 Millions 2.) Flipkart 8211 is first and most popular Indian e-commerce website. It was founded in 2007 by just an investment of Rs 4 lakh by two friends Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. They had been working for Amazon previously. Flipkart has launched its own product range under the name 8220DigiFlip8221, offering camera bags, pen-drives, headphones, computer accessories, etc. In October and November 2011, Flipkart acquired the websites Mime360 and Chakpak. Later that year, Flipkart bought the company, Letsbuy, for an estimated US25 million. It was closed down and all traffic to Letsbuy have been diverted to Flipkart. Co-Founder of Flipkart Sachin Bansal, got Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2012-2013 from Economic Times, leading Indian Economic Daily. Alexa Global Rank: 146 Alexa India Rank: 10 Monthly Unique Visitors: 18.5 Millions 3.) Rediff 8211 As mentioned previously, Rediff is first Indian website to come into existence in 1996. Rediffmail brings maximum number of visitors to the site. Besides Rediffmail, Rediff Bol, Rediff Songbuzz and Rediff Locale are other products that are quite famous and attracts visitors. Rediff launched new service, group deals, named Rediff Deal Ho Jaye This service, essentially, offers consumers local services in about 40 cities across India at discounts that range from 30 per cent to 60 per cent on any deals that they avail of. Alexa Global Rank: 245 Alexa India Rank: 14 Monthly Unique Visitors: 17.5 Millions 4.) Quikr 8211 was launched on 12 July 2008 and currently has 4.5 million User-Base in 900 cities across India. It is one of Indias largest online and mobile classifieds portal based in Mumbai. Quikr provides the local community with a platform to help them buy, sell, rent and find something and address needs across many categories. Quikr was formerly known as Kijiji. in. The company is backed by Matrix Partners India, Omidyar Network, Norwest Venture Partners and invested in by eBay Inc. Alexa Global Rank: 310 Alexa India Rank: 16 Monthly Unique Visitors: 16.5 Millions 5.) Snapdeal 8211 was started in February 2010 as a daily deals platform but expanded in September 2011 to become an e-commerce company via a marketplace model. The website was started by two people. Kunal Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, an alumnus of IIT Delhi in February 2010. With 20 million registered users, SnapDeal is one of the first and largest online marketplace in India. They offer 4 million products across diverse categories from over 20,000 sellers, shipping to 4000 towns and cities in India. Snapdeal has raised a total of 102 million of funding from investors like Nexus, Bessemer, Indo-US Venture Partners and 50 million alone from eBay. Alexa Global Rank: 315 Alexa India Rank: 20 Monthly Unique Visitors: 15.2 Millions 6.) Myntra 8211 is an Indian online shopping retailer of fashion and casual lifestyle products. The website was started by three partners, namely, Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh Lawania, and Vineet Saxena in February 2007. All three are IIT alumni, and have worked for several start-ups. Myntra is headquartered in Bangalore and has been funded by Venture Capital funds like Tiger, Kalaari, IDG amp Accel Partners. Myntra currently offers products from more than 350 Indian and international brands. Alexa Global Rank: 392 Alexa India Rank: 22 Monthly Unique Visitors: 13.8 Millions 7.) Naukri 8211 is an Indian job search engine operating in India founded in March 1997 by Info Edge (India) Ltd. It publishes a monthly report called Naukri JobSpeak. It has been recognized as the best classified website at the 2nd edition of the India Digital Awards organized by the Internet and Mobile Association of India. Naukri had a database of about 35 million registered job seekers and over 98,000 live job listings from Corporate Customers. Alexa Global Rank: 402 Alexa India Rank: 29 Monthly Unique Visitors: 13.5 Millions 8.) NDTV 8211 is an Indian commercial broadcasting television network founded in 1988 by Radhika Roy and Prannoy Roy. NDTV is an acronym for the original name of the company, New Delhi Television. Over the years, NDTV has expanded its brand portfolio to seize opportunities beyond news space and has step-down subsidiaries: NDTV Lifestyle, NDTV Convergence (Mobile and Internet) and today it is the most followed and watched news website in India. NDTV is seventh most popular website in India with Alexa Rank 30. Alexa Global Rank: 422 Alexa India Rank: 30 Monthly Unique Visitors: 10.5 Millions 9.) HDFCbank 8211 Indian financial services company based in Mumbai. Its the fifth largest bank in India by assets. It was incorporated in 1994 and was promoted by the Housing Development Finance Corporation (India8217s largest housing finance company). Its customer base stood at 28.7 million customers on 31 March 2013. On 23 May 2008, HDFC Bank acquired Centurion Bank of Punjab taking its total branches to more than 1,000. HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an International Debit Card in association with VISA. Today, HDFC Bank has 3,251 branches and 11,177 ATMs in 2,022 cities in India. Alexa Global Rank: 431 Alexa India Rank: 32 Monthly Unique Visitors: 9.5 Millions 10.) Intoday. in 8211 is the digital presence of the India Today Group. It hosts brands like India Today Magazine, Aaj Tak News Channel, Business Today, etc. The company was founded in 1975 and its first publication was India Today International which was a fortnightly news magazine. Aroon Purie is the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief and Ashish Bagga is the CEO. It also has several Joint ventures and Licensing agreements with prominent brands for their Indian editions, like, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Reader8217s Digest, Scientific American, etc. Alexa Global Rank: 442 Alexa India Rank: 34 Monthly Unique Visitors: 7.2 Millions Did you know that Indian Blogs are also world famous. Labnol. org and ShoutMeLoud, are some of the blogs that are very popular among western countries (moreover, no one presume so easily that its a Indian Blog). There is so much of imminent talent that we cant stop our self to share with you the future of Indian Web, specially for content writing. Its hard to believe the countries like US, Canada, Russia, Italy, China, etc. are hiring Indians for their website content. Today, major top positions like CEO, COO, VP, MD and so on, are of Indian in some of the world most renowned Web Companies. Even more surprisingly, out of world top 1000 Web Developers and Designers 28 are Indians. Well this is not the end, but just a beginning We will continue to show you the best of Indian internet on our upcoming posts. Above were the Top Indian Websites that made us all ostentatious and somewhere we follow these Best Indian Websites in our daily routine work too. Several people around the world search websites without just knowing the exact domain name of a website. And it happens many times with us also. We just type words and expect to see the best result while searching on Google. Many times we want to explore that which site rank number one with maximum number of keywords match. And did you know that these set of keywords is also a big reason behind the success of some of new websites and blogs. Well, its a extended story of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and we will not go much into details. Let us just see below which are the most common keywords searched in India. Railway Booking 8211 is used for Online Passenger Reservation for booking facility of Railway tickets online. With first rank IRCTC offers services like booking train tickets or checking reservation status, etc. Its a mix of keywords like Railway Reservation/ Booking/ Tickets/ Online, etc. Cricket 8211 is one of the pious sport in our nation. People search over internet for cricket live score or to see live coverage of the match. Cricinfo is very popular website to see the live score and rank no.1 with keywords related to cricket in Google search results. Other Keywords related are Cricket Score/ Live Score/ Match/info, etc. Bollywood Songs 8211 is the third most searched keyword and is also used with terms such as download bollywood songs or download Hindi songs to listen to the Indian music/songs in computer, laptop or in any other gadgets. Online Shopping 8211 few are the people in metros who dont shop online. Its a leading revolution in India, and for that reason these days we choose to shop online rather than visiting our nearest retail shop. PNR Status 8211 is a status to see the current formation of booking related to Railway tickets. indianrail. gov. in provides dynamic information like current PNR grade of the passengers, accessibility of berths in all classes and static enquiries like Train Between Important Stations, Reservations Rules, Fares, Refund, and Rules etc. Internet banking 8211 in recent times online Internet Banking is very common for many Indian. Internet banking facility offers convenience of extended hours banking to its customers with the comfort of sitting in home or office. Aadhaar Card 8211 people are searching for functions related to aadhar card e. g. its purpose, to check its status or to download it from UIDAI website (Unique Identification Authority of India). It is used for imperative Identity and Address proof anywhere in India. Samsung Galaxy 8211 whether its S3, S4 or Note2, Note3 model, Samsung is at no sixth position when its comes to maximum number of searches in Google with its popular product hunt. IBPS 8211 a body providing integrated end to end solutions for human resource management of client organizations. In Just one year IBPS was successful in screening over 10 Million Candidates for testing and filled approx. 80,236 vacancies for its client organizations. Narendra Modi 8211 is a popular Political Party (BJP) leader and also the most famous politician on social media sites such as facebook and twitter with maximum number of 7,539,509 likes on facebook. 1.) DLF 8211 is the largest commercial real estate developer in India. It was founded by Raghuvendra Singh in 1946 and is based in New Delhi, India. DLF developed residential colonies in Delhi such as Shivaji Park (their first development), Rajouri Garden, Krishna Nagar, South Extension, Greater Kailash, Kailash Colony, and Hauz Khas. DLF builds residential, office, and retail properties. The company is headed by Indian billionaire Kushal Pal Singh. According to the Forbes listing he was the 98th richest man in the world and the world8217s richest property developer in 2009. The company8217s US 2 billion IPO in July, 2007 was India8217s biggest IPO in history. In its first quarter results for the period ending 30 June 2007, the company reported a turnover of Rs. 3,120.98 Crore and profits after taxes of Rs. 1,515.48 Crore. 2.) Unitech Real Estate 8211 is India8217s second largest real estate investment company, and has also recently claimed to be one of the largest real estate builder in the country. The company is based in New Delhi and ranks 1484, in Forbes Global 2000 listing of the top 2000 public companies in the world by Forbes magazine, 32nd in India. Its construction business includes highways, roads, powerhouses, transmission lines, and it has residential projects called Unitech Cities/Uni World. The company began to enter into real estate in 1986 and started to increase focus in Real Estate in 2000 today it is India8217s second-largest listed real estate firm. 3.) Housing Development amp Infrastructure Limited (HDIL) 8211 has established itself as one of Indias premier real estate development companies, with significant operations in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. HDIL is a public listed real estate company in India with shares traded on the BSE amp NSE Stock Exchanges. HDIL group has completed more than 100 million sq. ft of construction in all verticals of real estate and has rehabilitated around 30,000 families in last one decade. Company residential projects range from apartment complexes to towers to townships. And commercial projects comprise premium office spaces as well as multiplex cinemas. In retail, we focus on building world-class shopping malls. 4.) Omaxe 8211 is another Indias leading real estate development companies. Having spread its footprints in 9 States across 30 cities in India, the company has already delivered more than 166 projects and is currently executing 42 real estate projects 8211 17 Integrated Townships, 2 Hi-Tech Townships, 14 Group Housing projects, 7 Shopping Malls amp Commercial Complexes and 2 Hotel projects. Mr Rohtas Goel founded Omaxe back in 1987. In 1989, he laid the foundation of Omaxe Builders Private Limited to undertake construction amp contracting business. In 2007 the company got listed on Indian bourses (BSE and NSE). Within a short span, the company emerged as one of the largest real estate companies marked by some of the renowned and hugely appreciated projects, awards and accolades and more importantly the trust of the people. 5.) Ambuja Realty Group 8211 Ambuja Neotia is one of the most prominent and respected corporate houses headquartered in Kolkata with its forte in real estate and recent forays into hospitality, healthcare and education. The company, under the stewardship of Mr. Harshavardhan Neotia has been responsible for landmark projects in and around Kolkata. The Group also has several projects in Eastern India as well as other parts of the country in the pipeline. The Group is also in partnership with Advance India Projects Ltd. to provide high quality housing solutions tailored to meet contemporary lifestyles. (as a joint venture between AIPL and Ambuja Housing amp Urban Infrastructure Ltd.) 6.) Oberoi Realty 8211 is a real estate developer based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is led by billionaire Vikas Oberoi. Oberoi Construction was started in 1985 by his father from the profits of family8217s saffron-trading business. Since taking over in 1997 Oberoi has built on inheritance with several upmarket residential and commercial projects. It has completed 32 projects covering approximately 4.979 million square feet of saleable area spread across the city of Mumbai. Its main interest is in Residential, Office Space, Retail, Hospitality and Social Infrastructure properties in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India. Oasis Tower will second tallest tower India is developed by Oberoi Realty. 7.) Supertech 8211 was founded in 1988. The company completed 20 years in real estate business and has credited a customer base of more than 50,000 with Projects across 40 locations. Till date, the company has delivered more than 10,000 units and 1,000 commercial units has been allocated. Supertech has recently ventured into construction of designer residences at Supernova, Noida for which the company has tied up with world renowned designer, 8220Armani/Casa8221. The company has also got into association with Disney India to come up with Disney inspired homes-exteriors and interiors at its township project, Fable Castle. 8.) Parsvnath 8211 The company is Headed by Mr. Pradeep Jain as a Chairmain. With a pan-India presence in over 44 cities in 15 states they have marked their ultimate identity as popular Real Estate builder and in constructing remarkable residential spaces, state-of-the-art office complexes, affordable housing, luxurious, shopping malls and hypermarkets, posh hotels, futuristic multiplexes, and ultra modern IT Parks and special economic zones. 9.) Indiabulls Real Estate 8211 is one of the largest real estate company in India with development projects spread across high-end office and commercial complexes, premium residential developments, mega townships, retail spaces, hotel and resorts, state of the art special economic zones and infrastructure development. It has 31 ongoing projects totaling 72.86 million square feet, 2588 acres of SEZ development and additional land bank of 1001.43 acres. Each project bears a stamp of thoughtful solutions and highest quality. The company has partnered with specialists from India and abroad working on various aspects including design, landscaping, engineering and structural strength of each of the developments. 10.) Ansal 8211 construction company is run by Mr Deepak Ansal (Chairman amp Managing Director). Ansal Housing has already developed 68 million sq. ft. of area and more than 66 million sq. ft. is under various phases of development. Today, the company is present across 22 cities in India and has created a land bank in excess of 87 million sq. ft. These lands will be developed into integrated townships with clubhouse and other international facilities. In all, the company has projects worth approximately Rs. 6000 crores which will be completed over the next 5 years. Posts navigation Recent Posts Recent Comments Categories Join us today

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